誦經是佛在世時的傳統, 誦經迴向亦是佛在世時的傳統。在自說經裡, 佛陀曾叫一位遠度而來的僧人說點法, 這僧人就誦出十六句偈, 佛陀讚嘆。迴向即是祝福眾生, 亦是培養善念的修持, 佛在世時, 佛陀與比丘僧眾, 誰病了, 就誦覺支經給誰, 祝福病者快痊癒。通常誦完, 病者立即痊癒。
自說經亦有一則故事, 有位婦人難生仔, 叫丈夫向佛陀說情況, 佛陀祝福她, 就在佛陀祝福時, 這婦人就順產生下兒子。
Chanting Sutta is the tradition of Buddha's time. After chanting and sharing merits back to all beings is the tradition of Buddha's time, too. In Udana, Buddha had asked a bhikkhu to say some Dhammas, that bhikkhu then chanted a 16-gatha, Buddha appreciated him so much. Sharing merit back to all beings is equal to blessing, and the practice of good mind cultivation. When Buddha alive, Buddha and Sanghas, whoever was sick, they chanted 7 factors of Enlightenment sutta for the sick person and wished him to recover quickly. Usually, they recovered after the sutta been chanted.
In Udana, there is another story, a woman was hard to give birth and told her husband to told Buddha. Then Buddha send good wish to her. At once,she became easy to give her son birth. Buddha actually shared his great merit to her.