星期一, 9月 16, 2013


1 對佛陀的最高供養、2佛滅後, 誰是老師、3佛教沒密法、4以自己為明燈、5佛陀是人、6四聖諦是釋迦佛發現、7佛陀不依分析而證悟、8毁謗佛法只為自己帶來惡業、9佛陀說九分教、10魔去不到之處

1. 對佛陀的最高供養
一位比丘、比丘尼、男居士、女居士進入正法, 方向正確地進入正道, 依法而行, 就是對如來作最高的照顧、恭敬、尊重、供養。
bhikkhu vā bhikkhunī vā upāsako vā upāsikā vā dhammānudhammappaṭipanno viharati sāmīcippaṭipanno anudhammacārī, so tathāgataṃ sakkaroti garuṃ karoti māneti pūjeti apaciyati, paramāya pūjāya.

Ananda, mere acts of reverence of this kind cannot be deemed to honour, esteem, venerate, revere, and worship the Tathagata rightly. (Only) the bhikkhu, or bhikkhuni, or the lay-disciple, or the female lay-disciple, who practises fully according to the Teaching, who is endowed with correctness in the practice of the Teaching, and who lives in perfect conformity with righteousness and truth, can be deemed to honour, esteem, venerate, revere and worship the Tathagata in the highest degree.

<長部, 大品巴利, 3. 大般涅槃經, 第五誦: 雙梳羅樹>

2. 佛滅後, 誰是老師?
世尊對阿難尊者說: "阿難, 可能你會這樣想: '老師的說話已成過去, 我們沒有老師了。' 阿難, 不要這樣想。阿難, 當我離去後, 我所宣說開示的法和律就是你的的老師了。
Atha kho bhagavā āyasmantaṃ ānandaṃ āmantesi – ‘‘siyā kho panānanda, tumhākaṃ evamassa – ‘atītasatthukaṃ pāvacanaṃ, natthi no satthā’ti. Na kho panetaṃ, ānanda, evaṃ daṭṭhabbaṃ. Yo vo, ānanda, mayā dhammo ca vinayo ca desito paññatto, so vo mamaccayena satthā.

The Bhagava said to the Venerable Ananda: it may happen that (some among)you have this thought:'The Doctrine is bereft of the Teacher of the Doctrine; our Teacher is not more. 'But Ananda, it should not be so considered. Ananda, the Doctrine and Discipline I have taught and laid down to all of you will be your Teacher when I am gone.
<長部, 大品巴利, 3. 大般涅槃經, 第六誦: 如來後的說話>

3. 佛陀沒有支配僧團的想法、佛陀亦沒有密法
阿難, 我已經把法詳盡宣說了, 如來是沒有把法保留在自己拳頭之內的。阿難, 有人可能會認為我支配著僧團或僧團依靠我, 所以他會這樣想, 如來應該對比丘僧團作囑託。但如來並無'我支配僧團'或'僧團依賴我'。
‘‘Kiṃ panānanda, bhikkhusaṅgho mayi paccāsīsati ? Desito, ānanda, mayā dhammo anantaraṃ abāhiraṃ karitvā. Natthānanda, tathāgatassa dhammesu ācariyamuṭṭhi. Yassa nūna, ānanda, evamassa – ‘ahaṃ bhikkhusaṅghaṃ pariharissāmī’ti vā ‘mamuddesiko bhikkhusaṅgho’ti vā, so nūna, ānanda, bhikkhusaṅghaṃ ārabbha kiñcideva udāhareyya. Tathāgatassa kho, ānanda, na evaṃ hoti – ‘ahaṃ bhikkhusaṅghaṃ pariharissāmī’ti vā ‘mamuddesiko bhikkhusaṅgho’ti vā. Sakiṃ[kiṃ (sī. pī.)], ānanda, tathāgato bhikkhusaṅghaṃ ārabbha kiñcideva udāharissati.

Ananda, what does the community of bhikkhus still expect from me? Ananda, I have set forth the Teaching without any distinction of inner or outer doctrine. The Tathagatas, Ananda, in (the matter of) their Teaching do not hold anything secret in the closed fist of a teacher.
Ananda, if a person should desire that he alone should lead the community of bhikkhus, or that the community of bhikkhus should depend on him alone, then it is that person who should lay down instructions concerning the community of bhikkhus.

But Ananda, the Tathagata has no such thought or desire that he alone should lead the community of bhikkhus, or that the community of bhikkhus should depend on him alone.
<長部, 大品巴利, 3. 大般涅槃經, 第二誦: 竹園村安居>

4. 要以自己為明燈/要以自己作島嶼
要以自己為明燈, 以自己為皈依, 不要以他人作皈依; 以法為明燈, 以法為皈依, 不要以別的作為皈依。
Tasmātihānanda, attadīpā viharatha attasaraṇā anaññasaraṇā, dhammadīpā dhammasaraṇā anaññasaraṇā.

Therefore, Ananda, let yourselves be your own firm support, and let yourselves, and not anyone or anything else, be your refuge; let the Dhamma, the Teaching, be your firm support, and let the Dhamma, and not anything else, be your refuge.
<長部, 大品巴利, 3. 大般涅槃經, 第二誦: 竹園村安居>

5. 佛陀是人
阿難, 我現在已經老了; 我過了很多日子, 已經到八十歲了。如來的身體也需要調理才能繼續支撐下去。有時候為了平息痛楚, 如來要心離所有相, 進入無相定, 那時如來的身體才能得到安穩。
Seyyathāpi, ānanda, jajjarasakaṭaṃ veṭhamissakena [veḷumissakena (syā.), veghamissakena (pī.), vedhamissakena,
vekhamissakena (ka.)] yāpeti, evameva kho, ānanda, veṭhamissakena maññe
tathāgatassa kāyo yāpeti. Yasmiṃ, ānanda, samaye tathāgato sabbanimittānaṃ
amanasikārā ekaccānaṃ vedanānaṃ nirodhā animittaṃ cetosamādhiṃ upasampajja
viharati, phāsutaro, ānanda, tasmiṃ samaye tathāgatassa kāyo

Ananda, I am now frail, old, aged, far gone in years, and in the last stage of life. I have reached the eightieth year. So the body of the Tathagata is held together merely by (the force of) the phala-samapatti. It is when the Tathagata attains and is abiding in the animitta Concentration of Mind (in the Arahatta phala samapatti), through not paying attention to any phenomenal image and through the cessation of some sensations, that the Tathagata's body is at real ease and comfort.

< 長部, 大品巴利, 3. 大般涅槃經, 第二誦: 竹園村安居>

6. 四聖諦是釋迦佛陀所發現的, 佛陀以前從沒聽聞
此是苦諦、集諦、滅諦、道諦, 我對聞所未聞之法生起眼界、知識、智慧、洞明、光耀。
Idaṃ dukkhaṃ ariyasacca’nti me / Idaṃ dukkhasamudayaṃ ariyasacca’nti / Idaṃ dukkhanirodhaṃ ariyasacca’nti me / Idaṃ dukkhanirodhagāminī paṭipadā ariyasacca’nti me, pubbe ananussutesu dhammesu cakkhuṃ udapādi, ñāṇaṃ udapādi, paññā udapādi, vijjā
udapādi, āloko udapādi.

This suffering is the noble truth / this origination of suffering is the noble truth / this cessation of suffering is the noble truth / this way of practicing leading to the cessation of suffering is the noble truth unheard before, there arose in me vision, knowledge, wisdom, penetration, and light.

<相應部, 大品, 12真實, 2.轉法輪品, 1.轉法輪經>

7. 佛陀不依分析而證悟
如果一個人不捨棄'喬答摩沙門沒有得到高出常人的法, 沒有聖者的知見與修證, 他所說的只是出於辯解、分析、個人的聰明' 這種說話、這種心、這種見, 他一定會下墮地獄之中。
‘‘Yo kho maṃ, sāriputta, evaṃ jānantaṃ evaṃ passantaṃ evaṃ
vadeyya – ‘natthi samaṇassa gotamassa uttarimanussadhammā
alamariyañāṇadassanaviseso, takkapariyāhataṃ samaṇo gotamo dhammaṃ deseti
vīmaṃsānucaritaṃ sayaṃpaṭibhāna’nti, taṃ, sāriputta, vācaṃ appahāya taṃ cittaṃ
appahāya taṃ diṭṭhiṃ appaṭinissajjitvā yathābhataṃ nikkhitto evaṃ niraye.

"Sariputta, when I know and see thus, should anyone say of me: 'The recluse Gotama does not have any superhuman states, any distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones. The recluse Gotama teaches a Dhamma (merely) hammered out by reasoning, following his own line of inquiry as it occurs to him' — unless he abandons that assertion and that state of mind and relinquishes that view, then as (surely as if he had been) carried off and put there he will wind up in hell.

<中部 12 大獅吼經>

8. 不掌握佛法而誹謗佛陀, 只為自己帶來惡業
因不掌握法義而誹謗佛陀, 他損毁自己, 為自己帶來很多惡業, 為這愚癡的人長期帶來不利和苦惱。

Atha ca panāyaṃ ariṭṭho bhikkhu gaddhabādhipubbo attanā duggahitena amhe ceva abbhācikkhati, attānañca khanati, bahuñca apuññaṃ pasavati. Tañhi tassa moghapurisassa bhavissati dīgharattaṃ ahitāya dukkhāya.

This monk Arittha Formerly-of-the-Vulture-Killers, through his own wrong grasp [of the Dhamma], has both misrepresented us as well as injuring himself and accumulating much demerit for himself, and that will lead to this worthless man's long-term harm & suffering.

9. 佛陀說的九分教

suttaṃ, geyyaṃ, veyyākaraṇaṃ, gāthaṃ, udānaṃ, itivuttakaṃ, jātakaṃ, abbhutadhammaṃ, vedallaṃ.

dialogues, narratives of mixed prose and verse, explanations, verses, spontaneous exclamations, quotations, birth stories, amazing events, question & answer sessions

<中部 22 蛇喻經>

10. 魔羅及魔羅眾去不到的地方
離開了五欲, 離開了不善法, 有尋有伺, 有由離開五欲和不善法所生起的喜和樂; 他進入初襌, 二襌, 三襌, 四襌。這位比丘可稱為是一位令魔羅眼盲, 令邪惡者魔羅看不見自己蹤跡的比丘。

‘‘Kathañca, bhikkhave, agati mārassa ca māraparisāya ca? Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṃ savicāraṃ vivekajaṃ pītisukhaṃ paṭhamaṃ / dutiyaṃ/ tatiyaṃ / catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati. Ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, bhikkhu andhamakāsi māraṃ, apadaṃ vadhitvā māracakkhuṃ adassanaṃ gato pāpimato.

<中部 25 誘餌經>

