星期五, 2月 10, 2012


花花兩夫婦及其舅舅與舅母供養Ajahn Pean 及 Luangda, 大伙兒隨喜去供養。我沒預什麼, 隨緣而行, 總是很意外的。

我們從家裡八時出發, 媽咪慢慢行, 到大埔墟才九時, 於是在附近行一行。

我沒有花花的電話, 一切就是隨緣。

隨緣就在回到附近時, 剛好就遇到花花了, 便一齊上酒樓。花花的舅母訂了一間房, 總共是十五人, 分了三位枱, 一張大枱, 我們跟花花一家人一起, Jimmy在大枱那邊。兩位師父獨立一張四方枱。

上點心及菜後, 大家跪下誦供養偈。

輪流供養, 媽咪都去了做供養, 佢吾跪得, 就彎身供養。

儀式完結, 兩位師父捨出食物, 祝福我們。當師父祝福時, 我感受到磁場波動, 中等程度的能量振動。

接著大家就食飯, 食完飯後, 我們上了花花舅舅的家, 讓Ajahn Pean開示。

我請師父教老人家觀呼吸, 吾知三位老人家聽得幾多, 種點種子也好。

接著在花花家, 大家齊齊諗誦護衛偈, 首先是三次的namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa, 接著是三皈依文, 接著就是偈誦, 請師父開示時, 我們也諗誦請法偈, 很久沒誦了。

師父的開示讓三位老人家明白的, 故很簡單的說做善得善報, 做惡得惡報, 心做好就好, 人一定有老有病有死, 心做好, 下一世就會好, 會帶著善業去, 死亡時要記住自己做的善業, 就會去好的地方。

開示好短, 而觀呼吸的開示, 亦是好短, 對於老人家倒是很好。

Ajahn Pean一直叫我媽咪去石崗, 於是我問媽咪想吾想去, 媽咪就話去, 這真是意外, 我們四個人乘的士去, 師父那架車也剛到。

在石崗, 我們頂禮後, 那個振動也是很強烈, 我即時觀呼吸的。師父與媽咪用華語直接溝通了, 我也請師父講一講什麼是業, 媽咪不明白。師父就解釋身體做的, 口說話及思想做的, 就是業, 做好的就會得好報, 做不好的就會得不好報, 所以要做善業。師父亦說放生就是修行, 最好的放生就是修行, 離開束縛自己的世俗事, 例如子女, 丈夫, 太太, 一兩小時的襌修的功德大過去放生魚或鳥的功德, 去石崗修行就是放生。知道呼吸一下就是一下的功德, 知道兩下就是兩下的功德。不知是誰問師父住在石崗冷不冷, 師父說他們住Ching Mai, 住北部, 也是很冷的, 這裡反而不會, 住石崗是很好。Ajahn Pean說佛陀以前是修苦行的, 四十九日沒食東西, 所以好瘦, 他那時修行很辛苦, 雖然有人教, 但不能教他成佛, 他要自己修苦行而成佛, 他也是知道呼吸而成佛, 我們現在只要跟住佛陀所教的方法就可以了。師父問媽咪要不要夜晚留在這裡襌修, 媽咪只笑沒出聲。

師父說媽咪好有福報, 我都覺得是啊, 真是好啊, 師父講, 媽咪笑呵呵的, 後來, 師父叫大家幫忙將枝幹弄到短短的, 媽咪見Jimmy 拾樹枝, 亦幫忙拾了一堆, 總是做了點事, 呵呵, 後來我們到水池那邊, 媽咪好歡喜。我們就坐在那裡閑談。
差不多兩時半, 我們起程回家, 要落山時, 其中一個淨人拿了一枝棍給媽咪行落山, 我們是以為他也跟我們一起去吃東西, 沒有, 就隨緣的拿回家, 回到樓下, 有個伯伯問我媽咪這枝棍在那裡買, 我說不是買的, 是有人自制給的, 他一直讚嘆這枝棍可以怎樣才能有, 我說星期日在尖沙咀某處有個活動, 你可以來, 但他似乎沒什麼興趣, 就算了。

媽咪有興趣星期日去供僧, 真好啊。
願今日所作的功德回迥給一切眾生, 願一切眾生有緣聽聞佛法, 修行而離苦得樂。

Today, 15 upasaka, upasika and householders went to Tai Po market offering food to Ajahn Pean and Ajahn Luangda in a Restaurant. After the lunch, we went up to a donor's home. We chanted paritam and requested Ajahn to give dhamma talk. After three times of chanting namo tassa bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa, then saranam gacchami of triple gem, then we chanted requested gathe of giving dhamma. Ajahn Pean said that doing good will get good result; doing bad will get bad result; good mind is good. We must get sick and die, good mind will bring good karma and born in good place. So when we face death, we must remember our good action. Then we will born in good place in the next life.I requsted Ajahn Pean to talk about anapanasati for the aged. So Ajahn Pean kindly, shortly and directly to teach those aged about anapanasati. Just great.Ajahn Pean asked my mami to go Shek Kong for meditation. Mami agreed to go. This is out of my expectation, just feel great and sadhu. When we were in Shek Kong the platform of Buddha, Ajahn Pean chatted with us about daily life and also the dhamma. My mami this time communicated with Ajahn Pean using Mandarin in relax mind. Mami was so happy. I actually felt metta and vibration from Ajahn Pean. Ajahn Pean said:body doing, voca speaking and mind thinking are called karma. body, voca and mind doing good get good karma, doing bad get bad karma. Doing good will get good result; doing bad will get bad result. So we must do good karma.What is saving life? Practising meditation is saving life, detached from our worldly business: from son and daughter, wife and husband. The merit of practising meditation one or two hours is greater than buying fishes or birds and then letting them go. Going Shek kong for meditation is saving life. Knowing breathing once will get one once merit and twice will get twice merits. Ajahn Pean also said that Buddha practising hard. Although there were two teachers but they couldn't teach him to be Buddha. So he practised by himself hard. Now, we just follow Buddha's way for practising. He knew breathing in and out and to be Buddha. Ajahn Pean asked mami to stay one night for meditation but mami didn't say anything, just smiling. Then Ajahn Pean told us to make some branches divided into short. My mami was quite enjoy to collect tree branches. After, we went to a place where has a lotus pond and sat there. My mami was quite happy today. She will go TST center for offering food on Sunday. I just feel great. She can contact the right Dhamma. Thanks fafa to organise this activity. We share our merits today to all being and may all being be well and happy.

